After a great deal of thought, I have decided to sign up on PATREON. Please find a link to my page here:
On PATREON you will find a fair number of posts as well as information contained in videos which I have put together and made available to you “for free.” There is also an opportunity to offer on-going support of my work which has some added benefits.
My ongoing posts will expose you, my audience, to much more of my work. Patron a connection to artists and will also inform you about a wide variety of things in the artworld as well as fill in some of the gaps about who I am and how I think.
As with most things, it is impossible know for sure how this will work out. However, I assure you I am quite serious about it. I am hoping to nurture a community of those who love art, and I think this has already impacted my “ARTISTIC JOURNEY” in many ways.
Thanks, and I hope you will take a look.
Ed H
(If you have never heard of Patreon, you can click this link for a clear, concise, explanation of what Patreon is and how it helps both the artist and his/her supporters.)
Making art from a young age