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Lost Book Animal
Dear Donors, Patrons, Followers, Interested People, and Uninterested People.
I had hoped to have a few more things together before posting this and apprising you of all things Venice, but I think it is important that you know now about the status of my sculpture and its trip to the Biennale. In short I have a very large new piece of sculpture titled "At Play Amongst The Moons" but it will not be going to Venice.
There are a number of factors involved, not just fundraising, but some of my funding did not materialize as I had hoped, and I essentially ran out of both time and money.
I knew from the start that this would be a difficult undertaking because of the scale of my work, and frankly I was surprised and humbled at the positive response I received . There was a significant group of contributors on GoFundMe and elsewhere, and I want to thank each and every one of you. There were also some donors to whom I am especially grateful who supported me far beyond my expectations.
However, as I moved forward, many logistical problems became apparent and the sheer size of this sculpture and complexity of this undertaking, plus escalating costs, forced me to withdraw.
Still,I feel really good about the choices I made and all that I did accomplish. My goal was not simply to show an existing sculpture, but to create a strong new work that I could show there . Soon I will finish up the assembly and painting, get some good photos of the piece, and send them out so you can see it.
A note to those who donated
I feel strongly that since this venture did not fully materialize I want to return your donation. If anyone wants their contributions in full or in part that will happen, and I will be more than happy to do so. Just call me or send me an email and let me know what you want to do.
My home phone is 505 842 8117 and my email is EdHaddaway @aol.com
Should you decide you do not want your donation returned I can assure you that your money will be used in one way or another for the creation and the furtherance of my art. One possibility is that I may use your contribution toward the cost of getting a book of my work into print. I have been discussing this for quite a while with someone in Santa Fe who wants to publish a book and I will be working on that in earnest very soon.
My heartfelt thanks again to all who supported me in this endeavor.
All the best
Ed Haddaway
Help Ed Haddaway's Sculpture Reach Venice!
I am very happy and excited to announce that I have been selected by the GAA Foundation to participate in the 2019 Venice Biennale. This exhibit, "Personal Structures", is hosted by the European Cultural Center.
I have been working for quite a while on several fronts to make this a reality.
And I have chosen to create a GoFundMe campaign as a way to both inform people about this wonderful opportunity, and to give those who would like to help, a way to participate in this special endeavor.
After keeping this mostly to myself....I am today asking for your assistance in this Venezia venture!
At the go Go Fund Me site there is a sensational video which explains what I am doing.
It is titled:
"The History of What's A Gonna Happen"
Please visit GOFUNDME and THANK YOU so much for all your support !